Montpellier – A selection of photo’s


I apologise to all for the delay in getting back to posting. It has been a tiring few weeks. I have almost recovered from my injuries and today actually managed to take my camera out to capture a few images of the city. Nothing too exciting but it was great being able to hold up my camera without wincing in agony.

In other news, the landlord/flatmate arrived back last night, with fiance and her son in tow. Such nice people. Although I am guessing he is a little mad just like me. As he needed to collect his motorcycle from the garage today and his fiance wasn’t here, he asked if I could go with him and drive the car back, with Eliot (the step-son) while he rode the bike. I’ve only really known him for a couple of days. Oh well. I didn’t tell him I hadn’t driven a left hand drive car before, but it all worked out. We got back safe and sound, and apart from my left hand hitting the door once when I needed to change gear, it’s actually not an issue.

Anyhow, I should be posting more regularly now. I hope you enjoy the photos.

A bientôt.




Well the last week or so has been a little hectic. I finally found somewhere to live. It is a shared two bedroom flat. The landlord/flatmate seems really nice, unfortunately he like to talk to me in English but we will change that 🙂

The flat itself is a nice size, simply furnished and really comfortable. I have two weeks to get accustomed to it without him around as he has gone away for work, so that makes it easier. However, the last few days have been spent getting bits for my room, sorting out other bits and of course, being in contact with the insurance company about my accident. Fingers crossed it all works out.

Things are looking up. I have figured out exactly how long the painkillers last in my system. 5 Hours! That’s how much sleep I get before the pain wakes me up. But not to worry, it is getting better, slowly.

This week is the week to try and get a bank account opened, start seeing agencies about work etc. I have also found that the people down here are really friendly. I am very glad I was told to try Montpellier before settling in to Marseille. I would have missed out had I not listened.

Oh and I love the french supermarkets! Anyway, I do apologise for the lack of posts and photos, but once I can walk for more than 30mins without being in agony I will take my camera out and do some proper exploring.

Parler a bientôt

Le Petit Déjeuner


So, this morning my sister left on the drive back to Avignon to catch her train to Paris. Today involves yet another change of hotel for me. For 3 days at this one. Hopefully I’ll find accommodation soon.
I am now sat in a restaurant in Place de la Comédie having croissant and café. Did I mention it is 7:15am. I have a long wait before I can check into the hotel.

Not feeling the best today, thankfully the painkillers are not in short supply.

Anyhow, a little, perhaps boring, update.

Parler à bientôt.


11 years ago

Just a quick note to let you all know that I have posted a few photos onto the gallery page. Please understand though, that until I get my Mac delivered with the rest of my stuff, I haven’t been able to edit the RAW files so these are jpg files straight from camera.

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy them, such as they are.

Approaching first week in Montpellier


So, here I am in Montpellier, thanks to a recommendation from a great friend who thought I would much prefer it here than Marseilles. He was right.

Don’t get me wrong, Marseille is great for what it is and I do really like it there but Montpellier is so much nicer. I will be adding a few photos at some point so be sure to check them out and don’t forget to follow my Instagram @avfrancaise

The city itself is amazing. Long history, great buildings and amazing little side streets. Perhaps I’m underselling it but I will show you all in photos what I mean.

Anyhow, I am now in the process of searching for somewhere to live. The two estate agents I have been to both told me they can’t help without having a French guarantor or a job. So it’s on to the flatmates websites. Seems to be quite a few available. To be honest it would help me get my French back quicker too 🙂

Anyhow, that’s it for now. I am loving it here and the weather is glorious!

A bientôt mes amis.

Follow the link to see the photos:  (more…)

Delay in Posting



I would like to apologise for the delay in posting about my trip so far. I did say this was going to be an adventure and, well, it has been interesting.

Last Friday, Day 3 of my Journey, I was riding through Avignon on my way to Montpellier. After spending an amazing morning riding from Valence and up to the summit of Mt Ventoux. During ‘rush hour’ traffic, I entered a roundabout and as I am exiting from it a car turns straight into me. The next thing I remember is waking, surrounded by police and paramedics, and screaming in agony. (more…)

Just a quickie


Bike all packed, leaving in a few minutes. Hope it doesn’t rain :-/

I’ll speak to you all from France.


Lets try again


I now have my motorcycle back. I have to say thanks to G Force Motorcycles, for squeezing me in, they did a great job and really quickly for me. Considering the other garages I tried were booked up for two weeks I am most grateful.

So, early night tonight, off to France tomorrow.

Being forced to stick around for two days wasn’t great but time to go.

The next post will be published from France. 🙂

Speak soon x

11 years ago

So at this point I am supposed to be sitting on the Pride of Canterbury ferry on my way to France.

My bike has now been collected by the garage and I should be finding out soon what is wrong with it and when they can have it fixed by. To say it is inconvenient would be an understatement, forgetting the money, which I can’t forget, it is the annoyance of having to put off my trip. I’m sure you know what it’s like when you are ready for something then are forced into a change.

Never mind, at least it happened here rather than in the middle of nowhere in France.

Watch this space for updates. x

Last Night in UK (hopefully)


Well, here we are, the day before I am due to leave the UK for my adventure to France. Everything is packed, the movers have been and taken everything into storage, goodbyes said, forex organised. All ready to go…

Well… That was the plan anyway. I go out to my bike this morning to pop into town and it doesn’t start. Managed to get it started, however, there is now a tapping sound in the engine, then when revved, the engine cuts out.  Message left with bike guy, but being a Sunday, he hasn’t responded. (more…)

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